Saturday, July 22, 2006


Well - it's been over seven months since I opened this blog. I didn't even put up the first posting until 10 minutes ago. So, theoretically, this is my second post today. I'm still fuzzy on the whole 'what do I want to do with this' thing. Do I want to make it an online diary? That's what I originally intended because I'm too lazy (unfocused) to write one out. But there are too many things I wouldn't want to put up there.

So maybe I want to use this to communicate to friends and family around the world. That's grandiose and somewhat far-sighted, but I'm not sure how much that'll fly with the peeps. Oh - Peeps! Pepys! That's what I really want. To be the next Samuel Pepys. Without the lice. For those that don't know, he was a Restoration age Englishman who's comprehensive diary documented an amazing and turbulent time in London's history, including the Restoration of the monarchy, the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London. Amazing stuff.

The closest thing we have to that today is living in this post 9/11 world. I'm sure that's been posted and blogged to death and I'm not sure I have anything to add. What's maybe more relevant is living in this world which is continually being fed by the consequences of that event. Right now, Isreal is fighting a war in Lebanon, with the big possibility that Syria and Iran will get involved. Then there's the war in Iraq. I feel a little ashamed and embarrased that it doesn't feel more like a war. There are not a lot of sacrifices being made by most of the U.S. population unless you have someone over there. Bitching about paying over $3 at the pump seems less than trivial when you think about the price many families have alread paid, and the families that will do so in the too-near future.

However, I do want to write about the things that make me happy, that make me think about things, that make me a better person. My friends, my family and my girlfriend, Babs. It's seems that this has been a challenging year in many ways. I wish I had had the forethought to document it more. Actually, more like willpower, as I frequently thought about doing this. Right now, I guess I'm motivated by a big shift in my life, which is Babs moving away.

More on that in the next post.


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